Why You Should Consider Mediation Before Going to Court

Facing a dispute with a person or a business is not a fun situation, especially with the prospect of going to court hanging over your head. Before you plunk down a big payment to a lawyer, consider an alternative option. For smaller, less complex…
fiduciary lawsuits

What Can You Do If Someone Breaches Their Fiduciary Duty?

Assume your parents created a trust and named you and your siblings as beneficiaries of the trust. After your parents passed away, you learn that the trustee of the trust invested a huge amount of the trust into his own business, which then…

How to Choose the Best Lawyer For Your Needs

One of the best ways to assess a lawyer’s legal ability is by interviewing the lawyer. Most attorneys will provide an initial consultation (usually an hour or less) at no charge. A few important questions to ask during this meeting are...